The Problem

Janet presented with severe gum disease, chronic pain, a lower denture which was very painful and an upper denture that was very loose-fitting.

Treatment Plan

We walked Janet through a variety of options with regards how best to attend to her oral situation. These were:

  • Remove all her remaining teeth and make a new, better retained set of dentures. However, these could still be quite loose.
  • Keep as many of her natural teeth as possible, try to cure her gum disease and fill in her missing tooth spaces. The options to fill in her missing tooth spaces included an upper and lower partial denture.
  • Dental implant retained teeth, either fixed or attached to a new set of securely fitting dentures.


Initially we stabilised the problem of Janet’s gum disease, which meant we could keep several of her upper front teeth and retain her lovely smile. We then removed her most affected lower teeth.

Next we carried out simple tooth whitening to give her smile a radiant lift. Once this process was complete, we could make Janet a new set of teeth to match her new, lighter tooth shade.

Janet’s choice of restoration was a new upper denture, retained with the teeth she naturally had. This was beautifully secure and restored her confidence to smile broadly. For her lower teeth, she chose to have a complete new lower denture, retained by two dental implants. These implants now hold her lower denture securely in position.

Janet is thrilled with her new teeth and is happy to be out with family and friends and eat in restaurants with confidence again.

I'm suitably impressed with the treatment. Things feel absolutely fantastic, with no discomfort. This is the first time things have not hurt like Hell!

Janet B-W Bosham

Are you in need of dental treatment?

Read more about our dental implants treatments. Contact us today to book a consultation to determine the best treatment for you.