The Problem

Jane came to visit us in an emergency. She was very worried about the pain and tenderness she was experiencing in the area of her mouth where she had recently had a crown fitted.

Treatment Plan

Jane informed us that she was feeling very nervous, so we took the time to ensure she was relaxed and calm before investigating the problem. We discovered an inflammatory reaction every time she closed her jaw. We provided Jane with a mouth splint and some inflammatory painkillers to take home.


The mouth splint and painkillers provided instant pain relief. In the meantime we produced a custom-made biteguard, which subsequently made a significant difference to her pain.

I am over the moon with the result of my treatment with Market House Surgery!

Jane Chichester

Are you in need of dental treatment?

Read more about our clench & grinding (bruxism) treatments. Contact us today to book a consultation to determine the best treatment for you.