04/05/20Update Letter to our Patients 4th May; Surgery Operations During Covid-19 Outbreak
Update Letter to our Patients 4th May; Surgery Operations During Covid-19 Outbreak
To our Patients at Market House,
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to update you since our last letter on 24th March. We still await guidance as to when we can reopen, but hope it could possibly be as early as June and we are preparing for this eventuality.
Over the last six weeks we have invested in innovative equipment, which will make the practice safer for when we can reopen. For example, we have purchased aspiration equipment which removes 90% of dental aerosols, HEPA air filters, screens in reception and we are constantly searching for innovative solutions to maximise safety, efficiency and costs.
As part of our adjustment for the future, we will also offer video consultations and these will begin in the next couple of weeks. Further information regarding this will follow.
As ever, Market House remains here for you and your emergency care. We are in constant communication with our patients who have active problems, helping them to manage until we are able to treat them. Online booking is still turned off and we are not booking any appointments at present. That said, if you feel you have an issue or a problem developing, please be sure to let us know. You can email us at reception@markethousesurgery.co.uk or write a letter. If your issue is urgent, please contact Roger on 01243 537310. Further updates can be found on our website homepage and in the news section at https://markethousesurgery.co.uk
When we do start back, we will be aiming to phase treatment depending on patient circumstances. We will endeavour to offer flexibility, but obviously this will require prioritising patients with urgent dental problems or those who were partway through treatment. For all those patients with appointments booked later this month and in June, please note these will be cancelled and we will be in touch to reschedule before we re-open.
Lastly, our circumstances in health and wellbeing can change at quite short notice. If any of our patients are struggling with home supplies or require support, please contact the practice and we will be only too pleased to help.
Remember to floss and maintain good home care! We are still looking forward to seeing those lovely bright shiny smiles!
Yours sincerely,
Roger J Scholes
On behalf of your team at Market House Dental Practice